Eugene Bolshakov

Senior/Lead Game Developer (Unity)

Greetings! I'm Eugene, a seasoned game developer with over a decade of experience in the gaming industry, specializing in Unity C# development. I have a proven track record of successfully leading development teams and delivering high-quality games.

Throughout my career, I have harnessed technical expertise, strategic decision-making, and effective communication to drive game development and ensure product success. As a Unity expert, I have developed, refined, and optimized a wide range of game features, significantly elevating user engagement and product value.

I am open to remote opportunities as a private entrepreneur based in EU.

Resume update date: 08.01.2024

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Contact Information



Remote contracts, Unity, 2023-2024



Game Based Assessment, private startup (Remote, 2023, 4 months)

Lead Game Developer and Product Architect (Unity)



Dragons Lake: BlueLight (Remote, 2022-2023)

Unity Lead Developer


Ten Square Games: Undead Clash (Remote, 2021-2022)

Unity Developer


Heyworks: BlockBusters (Remote, 2020-2021)

Unity Developer

image-20230520143928243Freelance: Sleep With Me (2020)

Freelance Unity Developer

Icon image

Freelance: HoneyMatch (2019-2020)

Freelance Unity Developer


Game Level Designer, Lead and Director (2009-2018)

Companies: SteelMonkeys, Wargaming, IgroTek.

Projects: World Of Tanks, Post apocalyptic Mayhem, 2 days to Vegas



Additional Projects and highlights

Increasing Image Resolution (Python + GPU, 2019)

Developed a project to upscale sprites for older games using raw math and CUDA processing. This allowed testing the hypothesis that it is possible to have a deterministic system that can learn on a restricted set of data and still produce viable results.

Network Painting Tool (QT, C++, 2012-2024)

Developed a multi-threaded network painting tool with Tcp/Ip, Scanline rendering, and Wacom tablet support.

N-Body simulation using compute shaders (Unity + GPU, 2020)

Utilized parallel GPU calculations to simulate up to 8k particles with mutual gravity.

Accurate single-step sky shader (Unity, 2020)

Used simplified integrations to devise a formula for sky shading that is accurate and fast at the same time, compared to regular ray-marching approaches. This shader can be used on mobile devices or other limited hardware.

Avalanche keyboard layout generator (C#, 2022)

Used Plinq and combinatorics to find the best possible layout combination for a custom split keyboard based on C# text data, which i use now to improve personal typing experience.



Skills and Toolset

Programming and data:

CSharp, Git, Shaderlab, Python, Batch scripting, Docker scripting, Tableau data visualization, Mathcad, Geogebra.


Unitask, Zenject, Dotween, UniRx, URP, SRP, Cinemachine, UGUI, Editor scripting, Android and WEBGL plugin integration.


Jira, Confluence, MsProject planning, MD documentation, CPM, DDI Leadership, Scrum + Agile, Requirement analysis, Stakeholder management, Long term planning, Forming vision for product parts.

Content Creation:

Blender, 3dsMax, Vray, Photoshop, SoundForge, Inkscape, WorldMachine, FruityLoops